While the Kettle Boils
Character One
Yes, that’s Mr Canada
We had a lovely evening
Just friends you know, chatting
Over burgers - not McDonalds
this time, the Royal Oak, in Risca.
It’s nice there, a food pub,
really comfortable with red seats
and old-fashioned tables.
He knows the score, not expecting
anything else - although I know
he’d like more and yet.....I don’t
see him like that, hard to explain.
He’s interesting and we
have a laugh, and yet…..
Now you know Tony? Army guy
friend of Becky’s boyfriend?
What’s great about him is that
he’s happy with things as they are.
He’s not wishing for more,
It’s too soon for him,
too close to the last –
same as me, same as me.
He’s on the tele tonight,
that gardening programme,
what’s it called?.......
I’m gonna watch it just to see
his arse, he’s got a great arse!
It’s too soon though for us both
Character Two
Nah, we don’t, you know, not now.
He’s never interested, and me….
I’d rather have a cup of tea,
To be really honest, know what I mean.
Want a builders tea or posh?
Know what you’re like. Funny
to think… when we first got together -
the bath was the first place…..
I always sat at the tap end and he…
Man-sprawled at the other end,
Covered his whatsaname
In a massive load of bubbles!
Surrounded by scented candles,
glowing, relaxing, laughing,
a glass of wine in my hand – huh!
The idea of sharing a bath now
turns my stomach, no way.
I’d rather share a cup of tea
and Love Island on the tele.
Character Three
I keep a poetry book by the side of my desk
and when things get blurry, between wanting
the job and walking out into the street -
just leaving the office behind and allowing
the sheets of paper that we’re no longer
supposed to keep on our desks, to blow
away, like a slow motion significant moment
in a film. I don’t walk out, instead,
I read a poem, to make sense of why
I remain, researching the world for others
who like me, want to find the answers.
This poem says that the searching is life,
not the pot of gold at the end. It makes me
feel happy to think that I’ve already found
something of what I’m looking for.
Did you say you’d been a counsellor,
you’d be good, you’re wise
not that old, but mature, don’t laugh.
I like to talk to you, you’ve already lived
and I can learn from sharing stories
and a poem I find beside me,
when a blurry moment appears.
Character One
You know the one I’m on about –
He’s Indian, from London,
A big bloke, I showed you the pic,
Yeah he’s got a lovely face too,
I like a man to be manly, rugged,
not worried about a bit of weight.
He was more keen than me mind,
But I felt that there was something.
He’s been inside, for fraud
done his time though, it doesn’t bother me
He told me straight out.
I’m meeting him in London
this weekend. I’ve booked myself
a room in a tidy hotel,
nothing fancy, just to see him
face to face, but not commit.
He cares for his Dad who’s old,
And sees his boys twice a week.
I don’t know how it’ll work, but…
there’s something there,
I’d like to explore.
Character Two
He’s forgotten Ceri’s swim kit,
I’ve gotta run, get to the school -
so embarrassing, my mother being
a dinner lady an all, when
everything goes wrong.
It matters to a kid in school, that age,
don’t you think – fitting in, looking cool?
His father favours Ceri over Jack -
he never says a thing, never stands up
for his kids, never answers back.
I sometimes think I’d be better……
Gotta run now, get to the school.
Character Three
Don’t ask me if I’m seeing anyone,
As if being on my own is a half-life.
I work, go home to my perfectly
comfortable, set up exactly as I want,
messily me, minimal if I want it, flat.
Excite myself with drives to the coast,
breathing the sea air, striding up the
sand dunes with breeze blown hair,
dipping my toes into the icy ocean.
On some days a burger in
the local café is just enough for
my taste buds. They know me there
now and I get pleasure when asked,
“the usual is it love?” I smile and
find a seat away from the window,
by the wall, where I can read my book
and not be interrupted by families and
groups of loud girls and men on the prowl.
Character One
I still see the girls from the band
we meet up a couple of times a year.
Lots of memories there, to share.
And I’d go back if it weren’t for the end,
the last few months, when he changed.
I loved to hear him play guitar, I felt
he sang those songs to me alone.
The girls and I would dance and
drink vodka and share our lives
at a booth in the corner.
People change with time and
I have no problem with change,
but all the things I loved, it
seemed like he poured them away
filled himself up with other stuff,
unrecognisable, unenjoyable,
that made him unbearable to live with.
I tried, for a while, for the kids, God
they didn’t need more disruption,
but I owed it to the memory of how
good it used to be, to let him go.
He left one morning, whilst I shivered
in our bed, placed his key on the table
and closed the door quietly
behind him, I pulled the duvet
over my head, and cried
silently, so that
the kids didn’t hear -
curled up I was,
like a small
injured animal.
Character Two
No, I’m not ok Sian sorry.
It’s twat-face he’s been having an affair
After denying it, denying it for months.
What the hell, the total twat!
Fancy doing that to his kids, how
Do they deserve that Sian, they’ve
Done nothing, what the fuck?
Sorry Sian, I’m not ok, sorry.
I thought there was something,
I’ve been thinking it for weeks,
the way he’s shaving so carefully,
smothering himself in shedloads
of aftershave, the one I bloody
gave him for Christmas!
Oh my God, Christmas -
went out on his works do
I wasn’t invited, apparently
no partners this year – whatever!
I bet he never went, took a taxi
probably to hers, to their shag pad.
The whore, bloody whore, fancy
stealing someone else’s husband -
she must have known he was married.
What kind of woman leaves her kids?
She has kids yeah, two, 10 and 12 -
how could a woman walk out on her kids?
How could he want to be with someone
who abandons her own children,
devastates her children’s lives?
Well he won’t be taking my kids
anywhere near her, I can tell you that.
If he thinks I am letting my kids within
five miles of that …..that……..so sorry Sian.
They will not be meeting her – never.
He’s made his choice…his life with us,
or with her, he’s made his choice I’m sorry.
Character Three
A colleague runs a makeup and hair business
on the side, you know, it’s her passion. She’s
planning to give up the day job one day soon,
I’m sure we all relate to that. So - I volunteered,
I think she wanted more diversity amongst
the models in lace silk and satin for brides,
with a vision of what life should be – I explained
that I won’t wear a dress with a split up the side
or a neckline that places my breasts on a plate
sharing my body with anyone that I didn’t carefully choose.
I took my own dress in the end, not a real bridal gown
but a dress that I wore to my cousins wedding last year.
I’ve got a photo here, I love this colour, and look at the earings
pearls and crystals - and my black hair against the bright pink silk.